How to install windows operating system in your computer

I am going to share you steps of installing windows operating system.
Step 1: Insert windows installation  disc in your dvd driver.
Step 2: Restart your machine.
Step 3: Press specific key which you can see at your display for entering boot menu. (Like for acer PC it is F12)
Step 4: It will show you press any key to boot from dvd. Then press any key.
Step 5: Then windows files will be loaded and it will show you install now then click at the same.
Step 6: Then it will show you check mark that I accept the license terms and click on next.
Step 7: It will show you which type of installation do you want then choose custom.
Step 8: Now you will see hard drive options. Choose hard drive in which you want to install. Make sure it should be formated.
Step 9: Then it will take some time to install and in the last step it will ask you to enter your windows product key.
Step 10: Now it has been install. Your system is ready to use. You can install many application software as per your requirement.
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Nilesh Gupta said…
Its really help full...thanx dinesh

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